
[準備心得] Google Taiwan Anita Borg Scholarship

很高興獲得了2014年的 Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Taiwan ,希望留下這一篇記錄,給未來有興趣申請這個獎項的女孩們參考 :)

第一次看到這個獎項是在大一的時候,那時候為了幫忙想新的系網頁要長怎樣,所以就去看看交大資工的系網頁,意外地發現了他們這篇文章 :

後來今年剛好也有學長跟我提到這個獎,所以就趕快去申請囉 :)
網址在這 : http://www.google.com.tw/anitaborg/

(2015/04/26 更新: https://www.google.com/anitaborg/apac/ 現在台灣跟中國的獎學金申請似乎都併入亞太區~這個連結才是最新的 )

Google 為了鼓勵更多女學生繼續在資訊這條路上前進,變成工程師。從2010年開始,每年提供台灣3~5個獎學金名額,申請者必須是就讀資訊相關科系的女生
  1. Scholarship amount is TWD 45,000.
  2. You will be invited to visit Google’s Beijing or Shanghai office for a networking retreat.
我大概花了一整個月,過程還壓力大到去找學校的諮商老師聊天 ,


essay 的題目很長,我每篇寫完後都找了至少三個人幫我看,
可以找學校的英文老師( ex: 中央大學英語諮詢服務) 或英文好的科技圈朋友,
因為要預留時間修改、整合,所以我大概都是每寫完一篇,就預約老師幫忙看,然後同步寫下一篇 :)


三個題目在此 : (僅供參考,說不定每年不一樣?!)
Essay should be 400-600 words or less. 
1) How did you become interested in computer science, computer engineering and/or closely related technical field? How did this lead you to major in the field and what do you hope to accomplish with your degree? In your answer, please describe the ideas you have to increase the involvement of women in computer science, computer engineering and/or closely related technical field.
2) Give an example in which you demonstrated leadership skills. Explain how you were influential and what you were trying to achieve. These need not be demonstrated through formal or traditional leadership roles. Think broadly and examine the many ways you are having an impact on the members of your technical community, your university, or your broader community.
3) Please write an essay on a technical project you took part in, or on a piece of research you undertook, where your contribution and involvement was key to its success. When writing your essay, please remember that the Computer Science professional reviewing your application may not share the same technical expertise or knowledge of your particular research field.
Please make sure to explain all technical terms and processes accordingly. Your essay should include the following sections: The problem your project or research is trying to solve, the solution that was chosen, the technical challenges you faced, your contribution to the success of the project and why you consider this project successful or innovative or both.
Note: Treat this essay as a technical report or research paper. Feel free to use tables, references, or figures.

Essay1 主要是要表達自己為什麼選擇資訊相關科系,

I first gravitated toward computers at the age of 10 by playing computer games like “Age of Empires” and some online games. Although I didn’t have any knowledge about programming at that time, I was able to find some ways to empower my weapons through surfing on the internet. When I keyed in some commands in the game, I could access as many tanks, soldiers, ships as I wanted. Since then, I became curious about how to create such attractive games and eager to explore the technology. ...
Essay2 則是有關領導力的故事,我就挑了大一時主動參與規劃校外服務學習的經驗來寫,節錄其中一小段:
Next, we needed to involve enough college students to join this program. The professor and I took turns to give small talks to many classes. To make more students consistently devote their time and effort helping these children, I also came up with the ideas to encourage the college students. For example, we provided “Certification of Service Hour” and some transportation fee to the students who actively took part in this program. ...
Essay3 我覺得是最困難的,有點像技術小論文,需要用到較專業的寫法,所以這篇寫完後請了五個人幫我看,之後再自己統整、修改。我挑的主題是我的大三專題-- 結合復健與遊戲的系統,節錄其中一小段 :

總之,準備的過程其實很趕,尤其是當我看到歷屆得獎者都是來自台清交時,心裡就涼了一截,再看到之前交大兩位得獎者多麼優秀後,就覺得希望很渺茫 >_<

他總會安慰我 : 
我就會瞬間充滿鬥志 : 

所以想要什麼就去爭奪吧! 女孩們 :)